Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Snippet of Musical History: Bob Dylan at Newport Folk Festival, 1965, A Closer Look As To Why People Got Pissed

        It's the 1960's and the church has just banned polyphony because it encouraged devil worship and made a mockery of the unity of God. Parents mainly encouraged classical music and very rarely allowed their children the experience of the dangerous rock and roll. Bob Dylan, a folk singer, was rising quickly in popularity. During one 20 minute set in the 1965 Newport Folk Festival he plugs in an electric guitar.  Many left, many stayed and booed, some loved it, some I imagine were in complete shock. His folk singer reputation was being threatened by his experiment to add an electrick feel to his songs.
        The big question, the one I wish to address, is "why the hell did so many feel so passionately about using an electric guitar?". The chords remained relatively similar (no single song is ever played exactly the same twice by most musicians), the melody remained pretty well similar and the lyrics still held their meaning and didn't change either. Infact, he played the songs exactly like he would with an acoustic, maybe a little more bluesy. Perhaps they felt as though he was descending into a harder playing style, where his hippy style is lost. One fact about changing guitars is that the timbre also changes. The sound produced by an electric guitar versus an acoustic is like the difference between a trumpet and a clarinet. Infact, for an experienced guitar player/listener, the difference between two acoustic guitars is huge. Theoretically, the tone between intruments is different because the overtones caused by the vibrations are different because the instruments are made of a different material or designed to a different shape, this is what seperates a piano from a clarinet when they are both playing the same note. So a ton of people are coming to this show expecting one specific feeling from this performance because they are used to one particular emotion from the timbre of his voice and his acoustic guitar. As we all know, people like to know whats going to happen, and if what they think is going to happen, happens, then they are happy. Therefore, I think Bob Dylan pissed everyone off because he was a good musician and wanted to experiment with a different sound, and gave a bunch of immature listeners something different than the expected.

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