Thursday, November 18, 2010

Interview with Gina Lomas

Gina, so your interested in editing, where do you plan to go to school?

I dont know if i want to go to university or college. If i were to go to university hopefully i could go to York or Ryerson, and i was going to college I would like to go to either Humber or Sheridan. If i go to university it would be more lessons in theory while college is more handson.

Do you have any projects on the go right now?

I have a whole lot of projects for pre production that aren't in the works yet. Alot of ideas I just need a set and crew - all that jazz.

What do you do for fun other then film related stuff?

I read a lot of literature. I also enjoy being with my family. I don't really have set hobbies, I like to try new activities.

What do you like to read?

Again, I dont really have a set genera.I dont particularly like romantic novels, they make me feel nautious. I do like science and historical fiction.

Is there an author in particular that you really enjoy?

I don't. I enjoy Stephen King, Margaret Atwood, Saint-Claire Ross, D.H. Lawrence, and so many others. I usually have a book on the go.

I know Stephen king just announced the motion picture of his recent novel "cell", however, it is undecided whether they want to go with a horror flick or more of a psychological thriller, what do you think?

It would be more interesting for a psychological thriller, but if they are looking for the big bucks they should probably go for more of a horror.

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